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Design a Nutrition App





Problem Statement

Design a mobile app that incorporates detailed nutrition information along with the restaurant menu, so that customers can make place their orders based on their nutrition needs. 

Project Brief

Customers who frequently dine outside either because they are on business or because they cannot cook at home were the target segment.  

Since the primary purpose was to assist the customers place their orders, the design solution required an innovative way to help customers balance their orders for both the nutrition and taste. 

Research showed that customers understand that calorie count and nutrition value depends upon actual preparation and ingredients. They contended that having nutrition information while placing order could not only help them make healthy choices but they could also avoid wastage by ordering food in proportion to their nutritional needs.

Ideation with various stake holders led us to the design an electronic menu with detailed nutrition information that could be scanned to select, change and place orders electronically. The stakeholders agreed to make most of their serving available in three different sizes, so that customers could select the size to suit their nutritional needs.   

Menu segregated by categories allowed all items to be listed with detailed nutrition information. The cart allowed quick addition and deletions and change of serving sizes to quickly finalise the order.   

While users received most of the features warmly, they requested for two items to improve navigation and reduce time for placing orders. The first was a search option and the second an addition on delete button on the cart. Most users felt that the menu was redundant and could be replaced with a homepage icon.   

​Required accessibility considerations were made to ensure that the app appealed to a larger audience who dined at the restaurant.


Power in Numbers


Design Days


Research Interviews


Price ($)

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